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President's Message


This is Hansang Park, who will serve as the 9th president of the Hunminjeongeum Society for two years from January 1, 2024.


Since its founding in 2007, the Hunminjeongeum Society has been conducting research on the study of writing systems and the spread of Hunminjeongeum. We have published the international journal Scripta and held domestic and international academic conferences to provide a venue for domestic and foreign scholars to share and exchange research achievements. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who eagerly participated in publishing Scripta and preparing academic activities. In particular, I express my special gratitude to Chairman Lee Moon-ho, who support the stable operation of the society, and to presidents and past executive board members who have devoted themselves to the publication of academic journals and the successful hosting of academic conferences.


Hunminjeongeum is our national treasure and a world heritage. Hunminjeongeum is a easy-to-learn writing system, which is based on sounds and utilizes the basic figures. The numbers of letter entries were increased by principle, and they were harmoniously combined to write all the sounds of speech in the world. It is a concise and precise writing system that is necessary and sufficient for writing speech sounds. Therefore, it can also function as the writing system of the languages that have a complex and inconvenient writing system or lack a writing system. We hope that it will greatly contribute to the eradication of illiteracy and the advancement of culture.


We are working to have its academic journal Scripta listed in A&HCI and holds an international academic conference every year. Despite the decline in academic activities due to COVID19, we published the 11th issue of the academic journal and the 12th special issue on Sinography. Last year, we held our annual academic conference in Mongolia. This year, we will host an academic conference in Seoul in October. We hope to achieve more meaningful results through the publication of journals and academic conferences, and we ask for our members’ active participation and support.


I hope that our members’ research activities will be in full bloom like cherry blossoms in the spring season after a long hibernation of COVID-19. And I wish a healthy and happy life to all members of the Hunminjeongum Society.


March, 2024

Hansang Park, President of the Hunmin jeongum Society

The Hunminjeongeum Society
#201 Wonam Bld.
723-25, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-Gu
Seoul, Korea 140-894

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